June 21, 2011

TKO - Bachelorette, 6/20/2011

So far, this season of the Bachelorette has left me yelling at my TV more often than during the 2010 Gator football season!  Yikes!

Really, what is Ashley thinking?  I get that she fell hard for Bentley, but time to move on and face the fact that you have a handful of great guys who actually want to be with you!

End rant.

Monday's episode was...um.... interesting to say the least.  First there was the one-on-one date with Ben F. at the Thai temple. 

Ben F. seems pretty legit, and let's not forget that he MAKES wine!  However, this scene was super awkward.  "I really want to kiss you, but we can't because of some made up rules about being near a Thai temple, so let's just awkwardly stare at each other instead of walking a few feet away from the temple where we can actually kiss."

Does this remind anyone of anything?

Come on Ben F. and Ashley - you should know better.  You can't have a "secret girlfriend" who you give kisses to in your mind when you're on national television!  Even Walter "Duckface" would have picked up on this.

Next came the group date.  The GENIUS production crew at ABC had the excellent idea to pit 9 men, who are already competing for one woman, to beat the crap out of each other.  Really? Why don't we just start a Fight Club Reality Show, and while we're at it, all "your mom" jokes are fair game.

Whose idea could this have been?  And does that person still have a job at ABC?  If I wanted to combine my love for reality TV with wrestling, I'd have tuned in when Snookie was taking her shot in the Wrestlemania ring.  But I didn't. 

But, props to JP, the "Jewish guy from Long Island" who somehow, some way, beat Mickey!  Go him!

Poor Ames.  That guy is a trooper.  First the pink shorts, then a concussion.  It was pretty cute though when he told Ashley that the hospital said he was "in love."  Cheesy, but cute, considering the circumstances.

Next came the two-on-one date, which, in all honesty, I have nothing to say about.  Who am I kidding? I always have something to say.  In the end, Ashley made the right choice in sending both guys home.  BUT, she should have at least given that Ben guy the benefit of the doubt.  When William told her Ben had been talking smack, she should have confronted Ben about it and asked him to tell her the real deal.  Why put so much faith in William?  Who is that guy anyway? He has a new personality every episode, and he told you to your face that he wished you were Emily!!!

Then we get to the cocktail party.  Ashley looked beautiful the entire episode (hello abs!), until the cocktail party.  Did her hair stylist have the night off?  You could see every single hair extension root - not classy.  Her hair had "hot mess" written all over it.

In the end, the final decision came down to this:  soul patch (or is that a birth mark?) vs. solar panel. 

As a good environmentally conscious person should have done, Ashley chose solar panels and kept Ryan.  Goodbye to you, Nick.  Let's save the hair highlights for the ladies, ok?

Next week's episode looks....absurd.  Bentley is in the same hotel?!? GASP!!  So what you're telling me is that ABC paid Bentley to fly out to Hong Kong to be an @ss all over again?  If I were Ashley, I'd be pissed.  But then again, it's what "the heart wants."  Maybe she could use a good transplant. 

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