June 27, 2011

Bentley's Making Things Go Hong Wrong - Bachelorette - 7x06 - June 27, 2011

I hope this post is the last time Bentley's name will ever be mentioned on The Gibbler Gazette (with the exception of the Men Tell All episode and obscure references to him years down the line - i.e. Bachelorette Season 52, Space People Edition "That martian reminds me of Bentley from Ashley's season.").

photos from abc.com and penguinjoker.wordpress.com

With that said, thank goodness the producers got the Bentley business out of the way right at the beginning (after two weeks of teasers for this episode - we have not forgotten!).  During Chris Harrison and Ashley's heart-to-heart, Chris told Ashley that Bentley is in the hotel and Ashley needs to go see him and push him for details.  Her response? "I have to pull it out of his throat." Remind me that she will never be my dentist.

photo from graphicsfactory.com

The talk with Bentley was awkward, pointless and finally over.  I'm not sure what part of the conversation convinced Ashley that he was worthless but at least she gets it and has moved on (or so she says).  She did mention to him that he should have just called.  Given his video diary sessions from prior episodes, of COURSE he is the guy who would take a free trip to Hong Kong (and he gets his own room?!) just to break up with her ... again.

The one-on-one date with Lucas had its moments, but he just isn't the right guy for her.  He prefers cheeseburgers over local food and has never been to New York.  He did make a reference to their boat being like a pirate ship, which seemed so very Lucas.

Group date time!  Time for the boys to go dragon boat racing and they were divided into teams:

  • Constantine and Ben F. - separated at birth, I officially cannot tell them apart (see below)
  • Blake and Ryan - the mortal enemies (Blake called Ryan "annoying" and "extremely exuberant" to the video diary - oooh the drama!)
  • Ames and Mickey - the remaining guys

photo from buddytv.com

Ashley gave Ryan the rose on the date, sending the other 5 guys into deep despair.  

Ashley's one-on-one date with JP went perfectly, but she had to use the cliché lines about "steps" and "moving forward" to express her interest in JP.  Stay tuned for a Bachelor/Bachelorette dictionary in weeks or months to come.  It will only contain 5-7 phrases, which have been used at least 1,000 times in the series.

Right before the rose ceremony, Ashley decided to tell all the guys about her meeting with Bentley.  That did not go as planned.  Ashley thought she was cleaning her hands of the mess that has consumed episodes one through five, but given the guys' reaction to her news, his presence isn't leaving any time soon.  Mickey, who has barely said a sentence on the entire show, delivered a soliloquy to Ashley about honesty and how he doesn't trust her any more - and then he left the show.  

M-I-C (See you real soon) K-E-Y (Why? We never really liked you!)

Ashley's speech to the guys was heartfelt and genuine and luckily they all ate it up and  decided to stay (or Bachelor Pad might have to start sooner than originally planned!).  The man sent home for the evening (after an exceptionally long pause and twisting of the rose) was Blake the dentist.  Guess they won't be completing proper dental hygiene together!

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