June 7, 2011

Bentley. Enough said. Bachelorette - 6/6/2011

Wow.  Could TV find a bigger douchebag? 

I haven't felt this sympathetic for a TV character since Michelle Tanner fell off her horse and got temporary amnesia. 

And then, when I remember that Michelle Tanner is a fictitious person and Ashley Hebert is an actual human being, I get even sadder. 

All I can really say is that I'm glad, for Ashley's sake, that Bentley left when he did and didn't waste any more of her time.  She deserves someone better (like Ryan, or JP) to appreciate her perfect teeth, her amazing bod,  her freakishly amazing dancing abilities, and the fact that her sister is an extreme couponer and can probably get them great discounts on useless things like 400 jars of mustard.

And what it really boils down to is this:  who names their daughter Cozy anyway?!

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