June 14, 2011

How The West Was One - Bachelorette 7x04 - June 13, 2011

 My first paragraph will be dedicated to Bentley but then it is time to move on, just as Ashley should. 
Ashley, Ashley, Ashley.  It appears that next week's mystery man behind the door (that they are leading us to believe is Bentley) SHOULD end up being the therapist from Brad's season.  Not that the man did Brad (or America) any good, and he did give the same trite advice that Chris Harrison gives, but it seems as though Ashley might need to get some sense knocked into her head from an outsider.  This girl needs to get over Bentley... (notice my use of the dot dot dot there?) fast.  He spoon fed her what she wanted to hear and left after a few episodes.  There are a handful of decent guys left that it is time for her to shift her attention toward.  Drive away Bentley, drive away.

Now onto the regularly scheduled blog...
Ashley's first date was with Constantine and the plan was to go on a boat and check out a private beach in Phuket, Thailand ("Let's 'sea' Phuket together" was the date card cleverness).  For dramatic (humorous?) effect, ABC had a man who appeared to only speak Thai come and tell Ashley and Constantine that the waves were too rough and they couldn't go out.  After an awkward game of charades, the man finally said something like "Big waves.  You cannot go out."  Oh ABC, the man spoke English all along!  You and your trickery...

The date went pretty well and Constantine and Ashley seem to get along well and have a connection.  They did stop a random man on the street (another ABC canned move) to ask him marriage advice when they saw he was wearing a wedding band.  Asked for key relationship advice the man said "Don't try to win."  I wonder if he was made aware that 25 men were competing for Ashley's affections and in fact, someone WILL win.

photo from buddytv.com

For all the random and awful first dates ABC has brought into our living rooms (flashbacks of a mock wedding in Vegas and a roast of the bachelorette haunt my mind), the network got it right with the group date.  Fixing up an orphanage for kids who lost their families in the tsunami was a nice alternative to the booze-filled, competitive, ego-minded (JabbaWockeeZ anyone?) group dates we usually get treated to.  

Watching the guys get into the idea that they can do some good was cute (so was JP's line that the guys would flirt later because they had a job to get done).  Ryan P. managed to tick off all the guys with his creepy cheerfulness and just like that, he became the new Show Villain.  Ben F. the wine guy showed off his creative side by quietly painting animals and flowers and it got Ashley's attention. 

Just as I was patting myself on the back for watching such a charitable television program (the orphanage KIDS came and the bachelorette and company played soccer and hula hoop with them!), we got to the nighttime portion of the date.  Booze a-plenty, one skimpy outfit and "the biggest rose as of yet" (said by Mickey in true Chris-Harrison-fashion - it was back to being the trashy tv show I've grown to adore.  

JP and Ashley got some one-on-one time under an umbrella and his stock is quickly rising in my book!  Even though JP gives Ashley the best kisses ("magical" ones), charity goes a long way because Ben F. the wine guy/painter got the rose (Ben F. was a fine choice but JP wouldn't have been bad either).  

photo from theashleysrealityroundup.com

Now on to the final one-on-one date of the evening.  Ames, the portfolio manager whose highlights include: he's spontaneous (last minute planner which girls always love), he's modest (told Ashley "oh stop it!" when she told him he looked good), he's well-traveled (been to 70 countries, not that he's counting) and he is interested in Ashley (sad that this is a highlight).  Ashley liked him by the end of the date but he hasn't added any value to MY portfolio yet.  

The actual date was exciting though - they went sea kayaking (rather, he kayaked, she sat) through these dark, beautiful caves.  This was followed by a Bachelorette sponsored picnic, complete with a shirtless Ames and two glasses of champagne.  Only ABC could make a beautiful, natural surrounding seem planned and cheesy.

photo from hellogiggles.com

Time for the rose ceremony!  Ashley decided it is time to break all the rules, and only send one man home instead of the scheduled two man oust.   Out of all of these charmers, who would be sent home?  

Ashley made time to talk to West and Ryan P.  Ryan P. defended his cheerfulness (I expect a violent outburst later in this season, possibly ending in someone getting punched in the face) and West unconvincingly told her that she wouldn't have to fill his wife's shoes and he was ready to move on from his last wife.  I'm not a big fan of Ryan P. any more (he started off so well!) but it was time for West to go.   And that is how the West was one...but not won, since there shouldn't be a winner in a relationship anyway according to the random Thai man.

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