June 7, 2011

Franklin & Bash (-ing my head in?): Pilot Episode

To say I was looking forward to this show is an understatement.  Zack Morris AND the Marvin the Martian, Egg McMuffin afficionado from Clueless? 

In the immortal words of Charlie Sheen, this show had WINNER written all over it. 

But my excitement fell flat when this show did not live up to my expectations. 

The episode started out with a funny scene where Franklin & Bash (Breckin Meyer & Zack Morris (yes, I'm aware he has a real name... but really does anyone think of him as anything other than Zack Morris?) ) were sitting in a bar and waiting for a car accident to happen so they could run over to the car and get some lawyer-ing business.  First of all, this is not ok.  Lawyers have ethics rules (yes, really) and this is totally against them.  But, I digress.

The show was very cliche overall... with the plot being the typical gimick of "we are hard partying cool dudes but we're really smart and the whole law firm is going to become cool and love us b/c we are so smart and so good at being lawyers that the uptight corporate folk will totally forget that we like boobs and alcohol."  Come on TNT... we all saw the episode of Fresh Prince where Will gets hired by some corporate suit guy and by the end of the episode, the guy is wearing a backwards hat and giving people fist bumps. 

This doesn't happen in real life.  I wish it did... but it doesn't.  And since I've already seen it happen on TV... I just wasn't interested in seeing it again.  Thanks Franklin & Bash for the sad reminder that in real life, my law firm will not laud me for violating ethics rules, having a witness wear a hooker outfit to court, and loving boobs and booze.  Sigh.

Speaking of cliches, Franklin & Bash have an indian guy as an intern who is germaphobic (a la Danny Tanner) and agoraphobic (a la Joan Cusack from Shameless).  Combine those characteristics and attribute them to an indian guy and you get Raj from Big Bang Theory, only less funny and endearing. 

In the positive department, we did get to see Zack Morris's butt, which I've already seen in Weeds... but let's be honest, it's never too much of Zack Morris's butt. 

I may give episode 2 a shot just to see if the show gets anymore realistic (and because I can't deny my enormous crush on Zack Morris and my strong desire to be the next Kelly Kapowski [he just got a divorce, it could happen!!])...but I'm not hopeful. 

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