June 3, 2011

Til Next Monday Do Us Part... - Bachelorette 7x02 - May 30, 2011

Every season, the Bachelor/Bachelorette franchise seems to outdo itself and finds ways to become the most dramatic, most memorable, most intense, most emotional season YET.  Chris Harrison never gets old with his announcement of the final rose for the night, his occasional brightly colored shirts and of course, his sticking to the book of reality television cliches. 

photo from igossip.com

This season, we're graced with the third place winner (runner up? second runner up?  Let's go with winner because she didn't end up with Brad and that really IS winning) from last season's Bachelor, Ashley Hebert.  I leave you with some questions that are burning in my mind after watching these two hours:  Why oh why would Ashley get rid of Ryan M., who is around her age and resembles Tim Tebow just a tad, but keep the Man in the Not-So-Iron Mask?   How does Bentley ever plan on getting another girlfriend when he is done with this show?   Does Ashley realize that just saying "I do" does not legally bind you to another person (producers, please show her what a marriage license is before she walks down the aisle with her Final Rose Man)?   Did Mickey think just because he received a rose that a lime green shirt was acceptable rose ceremony attire?

I must add that I think the producers are running out of date ideas because the faux wedding ("fedding," if you will) was awkward and disturbing, so if they were trying to accomplish those elements of a first date - kudos. 

photo from latimesblogs.latimes.com

The preview for next week looks like we are already skipping to the Ali/Frank debacle at the end of the last Bachelorette season - and we're only on episode 3!  Maybe this will be the most dramatic season YET...

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