July 15, 2011

You Can Look But You Can't Touch - Big Brother, July 13 and 14, 2011

This week was somewhat uneventful.  The challenges weren't all that exciting, and there were no banana costumes.

Image courtesy of aoltv.com
That being said, stupidity never ceases to entertain me and Porsche did not disappoint.  The "veterans" explicitly told her that she and Keith were being put on the block so that they could give her the golden key.  Good news, right?  Not to Porsche.  The entire "golden key" concept seems to be completely lost on her, as she cried her eyes out.
Her partner, Keith, on the other hand, seemed entirely too confident.  His gloating and then throwing the POV competition, ultimately get him evicted.
In other news, Dick is gone.  In a message to the audience, which was about as telling and informative as Emily's interview on Monday's Bachelorette, we now know what we already knew before - that he is not returning. 
And now, some questions I have about this season so far:
1. Why does Adam talk like the Cookie Monster?  I wondered this from the very first episode, and my suspiscions were heightened when on Thursday, he wore a t-shirt that said "B is for Bacon, that's good enough for me."  Hmm....
Image courtesy of moddb.com

2.  What is Brendan thinking?  Brendan gets infuriated with Rachel when she called him "Bookie" on national television.  His reasoning? That he wants to be a medical professional.  Well, Brendan.  Let's discuss this aspiration of yours.  Medical, fine.  Professional, not so much. And the name "Bookie" has absolutely nothing to do with it.  First off, you have been on Big Brother.  Twice.  Second, you are engaged to Rachel.  Enough said.  Third, not only are you mad because the name "Bookie" is not professional, but you are mad that it is no longer "special" and "endearing."  Also, you used the made up word "demasculinitized."  Something tells me that being called "Bookie" is the least of your 'professional' worries.

3. Will Keith's church take him back?  For those of you who did not pick up on Keith's profession, he is a Deacon.  At a church.  He is also the horniest human being I may have ever seen.  The houseguests became upset when Keith was smiling after they were told Dick was leaving.  We later find out that Keith was smiling because now he could "make a move" on Daniele.  God bless Keith.

Image courtesy of homorazzi.com

4. And my final question about this week's Big Brother is what happened to Porsche's pesonality?  Every comment she makes seems so forced and insincere.  Even when Julie asked her how she felt having the golden key, it felt like she was reading a script and acting.  (quite poorly, I may add).  She is so boring and monotone, that it almost makes me wish they evicted her, instead of Keith.  However, her departing words to Keith were more than appropriate:

Image courtesy of badideatshirts.com

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