July 13, 2011

It's No Picnic - Famous Food - July 10, 2011

Who can believe that there is a show that makes Jake Pavelka - the man who showed America his crazy, unpopular side by picking Vienna on The Bachelor and then his angry, explosive side by blowing up at her during the Tell-All interview - look like a confused puppy dog?   

image courtesy of sheknows.com

Welcome to Famous Food, the new VH1 jewel that introduces us to some "celebrities" (more about that in a minute) and has them work with restaurateurs to open up a new eatery in a 28 day span.  The celebs must work together, but in the end they will be pitted against each other and one will become the new hands-on partner of the restaurant (and thus, deemed winner).  

These seven "celebrities" are D-list at best (we'll call them the D7).  We met DJ Paul and Juicy J, two of the members of Three 6 Mafia.  Their restaurant experience consists of a failed cooking show called "Cooking Ain't Easy," which looked like an SNL skit that would have starred Chris Rock.  

image courtesy of jenlovesfood.wordpress.com

There's Ashley Dupré, best known for her acclaimed work as Eliot Spitzer's call girl.  She told the camera that she's been labeled in the tabloids as an escort and that makes her really upset.  Um, that's exactly what she is.

image courtesy of politico.com

Then there's Jake.  In case you didn't know him, he's just your "classic, all American guy, respects woman, always looking for love in the wrong places."  Don't get fooled by this match.com description of himself - we ALL dated him for a full season and think his profile needs editing!

We have Danielle Staub and we have Vincent Pastore, who thinks Danielle is on ABC's Desperate Housewives.

images courtesy of celebcosmeticsurgery.com and shoppinglifestyle.comrespectively

OK, I can see it.

Heidi Montag, the self proclaimed pop culture phenomenon: "People think I'm a train wreck who hasn't wrecked yet."  Hate to break it to her, but people definitely think that train has already wrecked...over and over again.

The D7 met at the old Ketchup restaurant in LA to begin their restaurant work.  Unfortunately, everything from the former restaurant has been torn down and they have to start from scratch.  This brings me back to when Uncle Jesse inherited the Smash Club and needed to do a little fixing up (remember how much we learned about fire, building and safety codes in that episode?)!  

The restaurateurs, Mike and Lonnie, gave the celebs $5,000 in cash and told them they would get a $145,000 checkbook.  They also went through the laundry list of things you have to do and the many choices you have to make to successfully open a restaurant (the Tanner house was filled with Smash Club toilet options - Jesse did say he was ready to sit down and make some decisions!).

The group started brainstorming ideas for the concept of the restaurant.  Jake demonstrated his IQ not surpassing single digits with his "hot wings and chicken fingers" idea.  The consensus was Italian soul fusion (Jake: "Would that be a drumstick with a piece of spaghetti wrapped around it?").   Jake won't be receiving the rose for bright comments today.

Heidi came up with the idea of naming the restaurant Fame, since they're all so famous and everyone wants to be just like them.   Ashley had piped in with a concept of picnic tables but Danielle knocked it down (right before she took a happy hour hiatus with Heidi).

Mike and Lonnie came back and Danielle took charge, sharing the Fame concept.  They knocked it down immediately but luckily Ashley shared her picnic idea and they loved it.  Entrees being served in baskets, picnic tables everywhere ... the idea was simple and it could actually be conceived in 28 days (unlike the purple and gold glitzy decor, the menu with each of the D7 members' recipes, finding a chef that can fuse soul and Italian and make it taste good --- Fame's 15 minutes were clearly up).

I like the Picnic concept but even more, I think I'm going to love watching the D7 realize this process isn't going to be a picnic...

image courtesy of indianadairy.wordpress.com

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