July 8, 2011

This is about to be B-A-N-A-N-A-S! - Big Brother 13, July 7, 2011

Top o' the summer to you!  We're halfway through 2011 which means only one thing (actually it can mean a lot of things, but not to Julie Chen fans): Big Brother is back!

We learned tonight that the house has 52 cameras and 95 microphones, which is respectively 52 and 95 more than I like to keep around my house.  We also learned early on that Julie Chen and Chris Harrison need to get married and have the most dramatic babies ever.  Well, maybe we didn't learn that - but that IS my opinion.  One more thing - everyone will be pairing up and competing as couples this season!  

On to the houseguests...

Lawon:  "I feel bold" is how we were introduced to him.  "Bold" is a mild description of the man.  With his green blazer, this man is sure to make an impression.  Now let's see if he La-wins.

photo from bigbrotheraccess.com

Dominic: A male model, lives on the edge, this tall drink of danger... lives with his mom.  Will need to find someone in the house to pick up after him.

Cassi: Southern tomboy guys' girl.  She's a model but didn't tell anyone about it because it gives off a certain, uh, connotation.

Keith:  A youth minister who loves girls - expect some jokes this season kids!

Shelley:  Loves huntin', fishin' and said that you should look like a lady and work like a man.  Her voice sounds like a man too.

Adam: The self-proclaimed "heavy metal teddy bear."  What makes him a teddy bear you ask?  He loves loves loves 90210.  Maybe if he wins the big prize he can open up his own Peach Pit!

photo from blog.emitations.com

Kalia - Says she is like Carrie from Sex and the City.  Those will be some high shoes to fill.

Porsche - She is a VIP cocktail waitress but told people she is a student because people will think her life is too luxurious.  Does she realize that her life would be too luxurious if she were one of the VIPs instead of one of the VIP cocktail waitresses?  If she wins, I think I know what car she will buy...

photo from recipeapart.com

Now on to the megadrama - the power duos from previous seasons return!

Jeff & Jordan - The sweetheart pair, couldn't figure out how long they've been together (1 year and 9 months, longer than 95% of all Bachelor franchise relationships).  Lawon said he is in the company of BB royalty.

Evel Dick & Danielle - I appreciated Adam's reference to Dick: "It was like Tori Spelling walked through the door."  I will vote Adam in as long as possible if he keeps making 90210 references!

BRENCHEL - Back and more annoying than ever!  We know they have at least a few episodes in them because Rachel won HOH.  Since the last BB season, Brenchel has gone and gotten engaged, which means we get a summer full of marriage references.  Who's ready for some TEQUILAAAAAA?

photo from article.wn.com

The HOH competition involved bananas and who could stay on the longest.  Since this was a competition that was made for Rachel, the winner was quite predictable.  The competition wasn't complete without QR (Quotable Rachel): "I spend most of my time on bananas" and "No one comes between me and my banana."  Thanks Rachel.

We must pay tribute to a banana from a past season - while Adam might love the Peach Pit, BB's favorite fruit is B-A-N-A-N-A-S!  

photo from realitytvmagazine.sheknows.com

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