August 7, 2011

Veterans Day is Over - Big Brother - August 7, 2011

The Gazette writers have been on hiatus but we're back!  And we appreciate your patience.  We lost Comet somewhere around San Francisco and it's a long story but he's back and we are too.  

Let's jump right into the Big Brother shenanigans.  Until this week it's been all about the Veterans (Daniele, Rachel, Brendon, Jordan and Jeff) - but when one of their own turned against them (Daniele got Brendon out) - it's anyone's game now!  

The first newbie is now in charge, with Kalia as this week's Head of Household.  A very emotional Kalia. Most people are excited and jubiliant to go into their HoH room and see pictures of their family and friends.  Kalia walked into the room and began to sob hysterically.  Jeff put it best: it was "like we just walked into a morgue and someone was in a casket."  I guess we saw this coming, as this was her HoH-win reaction last week:

image courtesy of

Daniele is seen coaching Kalia on how to be HoH - basically you let people come in to the HoH room, backstab each other and promise you their souls (or whatever souls CBS has left them with), and you just listen and tell them that you haven't figured out what you're doing.  Kalia practiced this technique when Rachel humbly came in and tried to make a deal.  Two minutes of trying to contain the hot mess that is Rachel won't make up for the damage she has done to herself with this group.

We got to witness Adam stripping out of his elf suit (he got lucky enough to have to wear it for a full week), a sight that might be burned into my brain but hopefully won't reappear around Christmas-time.  He is no Buddy.

image courtesy of

Who's ready for the have/have-not competitiooooooooooooon (as yelled by Kalia)??  This one involved blending a concoction of three ingredients (plus milk) and having another player guess the three ingredients.  If both people in a set guess the same amount of ingredients, it becomes a who-can-chug-the-fastest comp.  The ingredients involved items like beets, horseradish, eggs, applesauce, canned yams, onions - you know, a normal Friday night cocktail.  In the end, Jordan was the clincher in losing the competition for her group.  I don't think I've ever heard anyone crying, saying "I should've known…sauerkraut."  Tough break, but the have-not food for the week is coconuts and catfish - it could be worse!

Kalia did a little more HoH work - she discussed a deal with Shelly (even though Shelly has committed to J&J already) and then let Jeff know he was likely going to be a nominee this week, even if he isn't the target.  Jeff freaked out as usual, and told Kalia that she was now going to be his number one target.  I do love J&J but the male J needs to take some anger management classes…pronto.

To no one's shock, Rachel and Jeff are this week's nominees.  The most amusing part of the nomination ceremony was not the nominations though.  It was Rachel's over-exaggerated syrupy sweet and extremely sarcastic presence around Daniele.  Daniele reacted to Rachel's cattiness by calling her out ("Does she have to be sitting on my lap and touching my foot?"…Classy, Rachel, as always), only to have a table full of contestants who do not know how to handle the awkward tension.

Guess it's not Veterans Day any more … BUT Julie Chen did say there would be a twist this week, with the possibility of the evicted houseguest coming back - so we can't count out the Vets yet.  If Brendon comes back though, I might be sobbing more than Kalia...

America - please! Don't vote for Brendon to come back!  image courtesy of

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