August 16, 2011

Well, that was cute . . .

 Ames and Jackie, the most romantic couple in all of Bachelor Pad history (yes, 1.5 seasons of history have been made), have broken up! 

The couple who had the fairy tale surprise ending on Monday's episode, who we imagined would at least last until the final episode of BP2 (it airs in September) have already called it quits.

 image courtesy of

Is Ames possibly considering bigger and more Bachelor endeavors?

Read the article below:

August 7, 2011

Veterans Day is Over - Big Brother - August 7, 2011

The Gazette writers have been on hiatus but we're back!  And we appreciate your patience.  We lost Comet somewhere around San Francisco and it's a long story but he's back and we are too.  

Let's jump right into the Big Brother shenanigans.  Until this week it's been all about the Veterans (Daniele, Rachel, Brendon, Jordan and Jeff) - but when one of their own turned against them (Daniele got Brendon out) - it's anyone's game now!  

The first newbie is now in charge, with Kalia as this week's Head of Household.  A very emotional Kalia. Most people are excited and jubiliant to go into their HoH room and see pictures of their family and friends.  Kalia walked into the room and began to sob hysterically.  Jeff put it best: it was "like we just walked into a morgue and someone was in a casket."  I guess we saw this coming, as this was her HoH-win reaction last week:

image courtesy of

Daniele is seen coaching Kalia on how to be HoH - basically you let people come in to the HoH room, backstab each other and promise you their souls (or whatever souls CBS has left them with), and you just listen and tell them that you haven't figured out what you're doing.  Kalia practiced this technique when Rachel humbly came in and tried to make a deal.  Two minutes of trying to contain the hot mess that is Rachel won't make up for the damage she has done to herself with this group.

We got to witness Adam stripping out of his elf suit (he got lucky enough to have to wear it for a full week), a sight that might be burned into my brain but hopefully won't reappear around Christmas-time.  He is no Buddy.

image courtesy of

Who's ready for the have/have-not competitiooooooooooooon (as yelled by Kalia)??  This one involved blending a concoction of three ingredients (plus milk) and having another player guess the three ingredients.  If both people in a set guess the same amount of ingredients, it becomes a who-can-chug-the-fastest comp.  The ingredients involved items like beets, horseradish, eggs, applesauce, canned yams, onions - you know, a normal Friday night cocktail.  In the end, Jordan was the clincher in losing the competition for her group.  I don't think I've ever heard anyone crying, saying "I should've known…sauerkraut."  Tough break, but the have-not food for the week is coconuts and catfish - it could be worse!

Kalia did a little more HoH work - she discussed a deal with Shelly (even though Shelly has committed to J&J already) and then let Jeff know he was likely going to be a nominee this week, even if he isn't the target.  Jeff freaked out as usual, and told Kalia that she was now going to be his number one target.  I do love J&J but the male J needs to take some anger management classes…pronto.

To no one's shock, Rachel and Jeff are this week's nominees.  The most amusing part of the nomination ceremony was not the nominations though.  It was Rachel's over-exaggerated syrupy sweet and extremely sarcastic presence around Daniele.  Daniele reacted to Rachel's cattiness by calling her out ("Does she have to be sitting on my lap and touching my foot?"…Classy, Rachel, as always), only to have a table full of contestants who do not know how to handle the awkward tension.

Guess it's not Veterans Day any more … BUT Julie Chen did say there would be a twist this week, with the possibility of the evicted houseguest coming back - so we can't count out the Vets yet.  If Brendon comes back though, I might be sobbing more than Kalia...

America - please! Don't vote for Brendon to come back!  image courtesy of

July 19, 2011

Better Skate than Never - Bachelorette - July 18, 2011

We're so close I can taste it.  So close to the beginning of the Bachelor Pad and the end of this (at best) mediocre season of the Bachelorette.  It's the home(town) stretch, Gazetters, and let's hope that in the off-season the producers can come up with better date ideas (see all previous Bach posts for the awful events we have witnessed).

We began with Ashley pensively in her room (that could have used a little straightening up or even just filming from a different angle), telling us that on the hometown dates we'll get to see the "real, genuine them," referring to the remaining guys.  She hailed a cab after leaving her apartment (cutting costs, ABC?) and was on her way for her next step of her "journey."

The first date was with Constantine.  Ashley and Connie visited his Georgia restaurant, Giorgio's.   They bonded over pizza making while all his employees huddled together (we were graced with multiple shots of this) and fawned over how cute and sweet Ash and Con are together.

these aren't Connie's co-workers but wouldn't it be fun if they were?  image courtesy of

Time to meet the fam!  I sense some Big Fat Greek Wedding references in the future if Ashley picks Connie and ABC undoubtedly airs the wedding (who am I kidding?  The only Bachelorette relationship that has walked down the aisle is Trista's, circa 2003).

Connie's family was super warm and Ashley even declared that she was moving in (does this mean he lives there?).  The clincher was the surprise at the end - when Connie's extended family joined the party and showed Ashley their Greek dancing moves!  This brought me back to my Katsopolis roots and of course, Papouli (instead of flour, the uncle was showering them with money - guess that accounts for inflation!).

image courtesy of

The rest of the hometown dates were not quite as fun as the Connie date but these boys tried. Ames worked hard to woo Ashley, but you knew he was going home when Ashley's description of him to his family included that he's "very different" and "he's a man."  Can you feel the love tonight?

Ames took Ashley on a picnic, only hoping to win her over with his Hallmark-esque "It's the best when the ordinary is the extraordinary," but unfortunately for him, the ordinary was only ordinary for her.

Ben-F.-the-wine-guy's date in Sonoma was sweet but pretty boring.  His sister, Julia, signed him up for the Bachelorette, but seemed skeptical about the whole process.  Julia also looked like she was reading off of index cards the entire time she spoke with Ashley.  One Bachelorette-franchise positive to this date was that Ben "opened up"  (I'm sure there was also a "connection" comment in there from Ash), and this earned him one of the coveted roses at the end.

image courtesy of

Ash traveled to Long Island to meet up with JP.  JP brought her to Hot Skates, a roller rink complete with a disco ball spinning and REO Speedwagon blasting - i.e. the perfect throwback date.  I was hoping for some 25 cent fake tattoos and maybe even a La Bouche song, but maybe those scenes were cut.

image courtesy of

JP's family kindly welcomed Ashley but warned both members of the happy couple that Ash better not break this guy's heart.  JP skillfully answered the are-you-in-love question from his mom by saying "There are a lot of signs that point to it."  Based on the previews for next week, the signs might end up being "Caution" and "Stop."

In probably my favorite moment of the show thus far, JP's mom brought out his Bar Mitzvah sign-in board to show to Ashley (the board is basically a huge photo of the Bar Mitzvah boy that people sign with their well wishes when they come into the party).  He called the old photo of himself a mix of Doogie Howser and Kirk Cameron which means that while he might have an inflated sense of self-esteem (who didn't love Kirk in the early 90s and who doesn't love Barney Stinson now?), he definitely knows his late 80s/early 90s TV shows!  

How I Met JP's Growing Pains?  image courtesy of

Chris Harrison greeted Ash at the mansion for the rose ceremony.  A therapy session between the two of them would not be complete without a mention of Bentley, but this time it was in that "I'm completely over that d-bag" way.  I am also beginning to believe the car company is paying ABC per time the name is mentioned, regardless of the manner of the mentioning.

When Ashley kicked Ames off, Ames looked like a lost puppy, and he either winked at the camera or had a nervous twitch in his eye.  I also appreciated the handshake between the two of them - I think that alone solidified her decision.  Poor Ames: "I was hoping to share a lifetime of adventures with this beautiful woman and now I'm back to sharing a lifetime of adventures with...myself, which is less enticing." 

Ashley's "journey" is wrapping up - who's excited for the overnights where the boys have to act fauxprised when Ash reads them Chris's fantasy suite card?  

July 17, 2011


Our prayers have been answered.  Our prayers to the 90's TV Gods, that is.

According to this article Teen Nick, a Nickelodeon affiliate, will be re-airing the shows of our youth in a late-night block called The 90s Are All That.

Yes, really.  And by shows of our youth, I mean the good ones.  I mean SNICK.  I mean Are You Afraid of the Dark, Clarissa Explains It All, All That, Ren and Stimpy, Rocko's Modern Life, Salute Your Shorts, Doug, and more!

I cannot even express in words how excited I am.

The Gibbler Gazette is looking forward to blogging our modern views on these television classics.

We LOVE the 90s!!!!

The festivities begin July 25th at midnight.  Set your DVRs, as the Midnight Society will be sure not to disappoint.